
Menanti "smart ball" di World Cup 2006 Jerman

Publik tuan rumah World Cup 2006 Jerman agaknya menyambut gembira kemenangan team sepakbola Brazil 5 - 0 atas Chile dini hari 5 Sep y.l.hingga meloloskan Brazil ke putaran final di Jerman. Berhubung jika Brazil dan tuan rumah dipandang sebagai favorit juara dunia 2006 maka bukan tidak mungkin final World Cup 2002 Korea akan terulang kembali: Jerman -vs- Brazil.
Sebagai negara maju dalam teknologi serta menjadi asal produsen olahraga kelas dunia Eropa, maka adalah perusahaan Adidas telah berinisiatif untuk berpartisipasi untuk menyajikan kemajuan teknologi komunikasi digital yang diaplikasikan dalam dunia olahraga terpopuler sejagat: sepak bola.

FIFA dan Adidas dikabarkan telah setuju untuk mengaplikasikan pemindaian gerakan bola dengan smart chip miniaturistik yg disematkan pada "smart ball". Dengan bola "smart ball" yang bermuatan suatu sistem sensor pemindaian digital yang sebenarnya cukup sederana yang mampu menampilkan detik-detik pergerakkan bola dengan sangat akurat, hingga permainan sepak bola masa depan dapat terbebas dari kontroversi wasit khususnya dalam menilai kejadian kritis di muka gawang : gol.
Chip pada bola "smart ball" dirancang untuk dapat dimonitor oleh sensor pemindai elektronik berkedudukan mengawal garis gawang. Uji coba akan dilangsungkan pada kejuaraan U-17 yang berlangsung di Peru 16 Sep - 2 Okt yad. Teknologi ini tidak jadi diperkenalkan dalam kejuaran Konfederasi 2004 di Jerman seperti yang tadinya ramai digunjingkan. Presiden FIFA Sepp Blatter bertekad akan melakukan pengamatan seksama perihal keandalan perangkat bantu ini, dan jika dipandang positip boleh jadi secara resmi akan dilaksanakan di kejuaran dunia di Jerman.
Perangkat bantu ini akan digunakan untuk memonitor kejadian gol -yakni gerakan bola yang melewati garis gawang- yang pada beberapa kejadian kasus tertentu terluput dari pengawasan pandangan wasit karena berbagai halangan seperti; aksi yang berlangsung amat cepat, gerak bola terhalang oleh badan pemain, kedudukan wasit dan hakim garis yang jauh dari gawang, dst. Dalam prakteknya jika kejadian gol luput oleh pengamatan langsung wasit di lapangan sementara isyarat elektronik menandai gol, maka wasit dapat berinisiatif guna menyetop permainan sementara untuk mereview bersama hakim garis kondisi yang terjadi dengan tayang ulang video jika diperlukan.
Ada kalangan yang kontra atas intervensi berlebihan teknologi yang berpandangan bahwa aplikasi demikian akan mereduksi sisi human dalam suatu permainan sepakbola. Kejadian "human error" baik oleh wasit dan pemain di lapangan dianggap wajar adanya. Wasit juga manusia -seperti halnya rocker !!! -

Kalangan komentator sepak bola EPL kompetisi liga Premier di Inggris tahun yg belakangan memang menyuarakan agar teknologi digital sebatas tertentu dapat direkomendasikan untuk menjadi salah satu media pelengkap keputusan wasit dalam menghadapi situasi kritis pertandingan, khususnya situasi terjadinya gol -yakni bola melewati garis antara tiang gawang- yg luput dari pengamatan mata wasit. Setidaknya di kompetisi EPL Inggris tahun y.l. terjadi 2 kali situasi keraguan terjadinya gol. Salah satunya gol disyahkan wasit pada hal diragukan bahwa bola apakah memang benar telah melewati garis gawang dalam pertandingan tim elite Arsenal -vs- Chelsea. Kasus lain justru sebaliknya, bahwa tendangan bola yang memantul dari mistar ke gawang yang nyata-nyata melewati garis batas gawang namun ditepis keluar oleh penjaga gawang ternyata luput dari pengamatan wasit hingga urung menjadi gol yang bersarang di gawang klub terkemuka MU. Dengan tayang ulang "re-play" liputan kamera tv dan teknologi siaran digital yg sedemikian maju saat ini kasus fatal demikian dapat diurai dengan amat jelas dan dengan seketika.
Di liga utama seperti Serie A Italia maupun EPL Liga Inggris saat ini, rekaman video pun biasa digunakan sebagai masukan data tambahan yang penting untuk menegakkan disiplin dalam kasus pemain yang terlibat kejadian pelanggaran berat dalam pertandingan.

Alasan komentator yang menyetujui penggunaan teknologi digital mengingat bahwa dalam kompetisi yang ketat antara team top seperti di Liga Inggris dimana mungkin saja selisih angka klasemen akhir amat tipis, maka akan menjadi sangat mengecewakan adanya apabila kesilafan pengamatan wasit berujung pada penetapan juara yang kontroversi. Alasan lainnya kalangan komentator dan pengamat sepakbola sama-sama berpendapat bahwa sepakbola kompetisi EPL telah menjadi tayangan dan menjadi bisnis bernilai multi-milyaran dollar di seluruh dunia, dan kesilafan wasit dalam menetapkan gol dapat merugikan para penggemar maupun pebisnis. Bisnis lotere toto sepak bola pun bernilai jutaan dollar tersendiri. Dan yang terpenting ditengah kemajuan teknologi digital saat ini, agaknya publik Inggris tidak lagi ingin menerima kegagalan menyesakkan seperti halnya gol "tangan Tuhan" oleh Maradona pada WC 1986 saat Argentina mengalahkan Inggris, atau pun terjadi gol di gawang lawan yang luput dari pengamatan wasit dalam pertandingan Inggris menghadapi Jerman Barat dalam kejuaraan dunia tahun 1974.


Balon D'OR Nominees

The 50 players that have been nominated for the Balon D'Or are (in alphabetical order):

Adriano (Inter)
Ballack (Bayern Munich)
Beckham (Real Madrid)
Buffon (Juventus)
Camoranesi (Juventus)
Cannavaro (Juventus)
Carragher (Liverpool)
Cech (Chelsea)
Shevchenko (Milan)
Coupet (Lyon)
Cris (Lyon)
Deco (Barcelona)
Dida (Milan)
Drogba (Chelsea)
Emerson (Juventus)
Essien (Chelsea)
Eto'o (Barcelona)
Figo (Inter)
Forlán (Vilarreal)
Luis García (Liverpool)
Gerrard (Liverpool)
Henry (Arsenal)
Ibrahimovic (Juventus)
Juninho (Lyon)
Kaká (Milan)
Lampard (Chelsea)
Makaay (Bayern Munich)
Makelele (Chelsea)
Maldini (Milan)
Nedved (Juventus)
Owen (Newcastle)
Park Ji-Sung (Manchester United)
Pirlo (Milan)
Raúl (Real Madrid)
Riquelme (Vilarreal)
Robben (Chelsea)
Roberto Carlos (Real Madrid)
Robinho (Real Madrid)
Ronaldinho (Barcelona)
Ronaldo (Real Madrid)
Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United)
Rooney (Manchester United)
Terry (Chelsea)
Thuram (Juventus)
Trezeguet (Juventus)
Van Bommel (PSV Eindhoven)
Van Nistelrooy (Manchester United)
Vieira (Juventus)
Xavi (Barcelona)
Zidane (Real Madrid)


Love Has Nothing to Do With Five Senses

Love has nothing to do with

the five senses and the six directions:

its goal is only to experience

the attraction exerted by the Beloved.

Afterwards, perhaps, permission

will come from God:

the secrets that ought to be told with be told

with an eloquence nearer to the understanding

that these subtle confusing allusions.

The secret is partner with none

but the knower of the secret:

in the skeptic's ear

the secret is no secret at all.

The World in a Glass: Six Drinks That Changed History

Tom Standage urges drinkers to savor the history of their favorite beverages along with the taste.

The author of A History of the World in 6 Glasses (Walker & Company, June 2005), Standage lauds the libations that have helped shape our world from the Stone Age to the present day.

"The important drinks are still drinks that we enjoy today," said Standage, a technology editor at the London-based magazine the Economist. "They are relics of different historical periods still found in our kitchens."

Take the six-pack, whose contents first fizzed at the dawn of civilization.


The ancient Sumerians, who built advanced city-states in the area of present-day Iraq, began fermenting beer from barley at least 6,000 years ago.

"When people started agriculture the first crops they produced were barley or wheat. You consume those crops as bread and as beer," Standage noted. "It's the drink associated with the dawn of civilization. It's as simple as that."

Beer was popular with the masses from the beginning.

"Beer would have been something that a common person could have had in the house and made whenever they wanted," said Linda Bisson, a microbiologist at the Department of Viticulture and Enology at the University of California, Davis.

"The guys who built the pyramids were paid in beer and bread," Standage added. "It was the defining drink of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Everybody drank it. Today it's the drink of the working man, and it was then as well."


Wine may be as old or older than beer—though no one can be certain.

Paleolithic humans probably sampled the first "wine" as the juice of naturally fermented wild grapes. But producing and storing wine proved difficult for early cultures.

"To make wine you have to have fresh grapes," said Bisson, the UC Davis microbiologist. "For beer you can just store grain and add water to process it at any time."

Making wine also demanded pottery that could preserve the precious liquid.

"Wine may be easier to make [than beer], but it's harder to store," Bisson added. "For most ancient cultures it would have been hard to catch [fermenting grape juice] as wine on its way to [becoming] vinegar."

Such caveats and the expense of producing wine helped the beverage quickly gain more cachet than beer. Wine was originally associated with social elites and religious activities.

Wine snobbery may be nearly as old as wine itself. Greeks and Romans produced many grades of wine for various social classes.

The quest for quality became an economic engine and later drove cultural expansion.

"Once you had regions [like Greece and Rome] that could distinguish themselves as making good stuff, it gave them an economic boost," Bisson said. "Beer just wasn't as special."


Hard liquor, particularly brandy and rum, placated sailors during the long sea voyages of the Age of Exploration, when European powers plied the seas during the 15th, 16th, and early 17th centuries.

Rum played a crucial part of the triangular trade between Britain, Africa, and the North American colonies that once dominated the Atlantic economy.

Standage also suggests that rum may have been more responsible than tea for the independence movement in Britain's American colonies.

"Distilling molasses for rum was very important to the New England economy," he explained. "When the British tried to tax molasses it struck at the heart of the economy. The idea of 'no taxation without representation' originated with molasses and sugar. Only at the end did it refer to tea."

Great Britain's longtime superiority at sea may also owe a debt to its navy's drink of rum-based choice, grog, which was made a compulsory beverage for sailors in the late 18th century.

"They would make grog with rum, water, and lemon or lime juice," Standage said. "This improved the taste but also reduced illness and scurvy. Fleet physicians thought that this had doubled the efficiency of the fleet."


The story of modern coffee starts in the Arabian Peninsula, where roasted beans were first brewed around A.D. 1000. Sometime around the 15th century coffee spread throughout the Arab world.

"In the Arab world coffee rose as an alternative to alcohol, and coffeehouses as alternatives to taverns—both of which are banned by Islam," Standage said.

When coffee arrived in Europe it was similarly hailed as an "anti-alcohol" that was quite welcome during the Age of Reason in the 18th century.

"Just at the point when the Enlightenment is getting going, here's a drink that sharpens the mind," Standage said. "The coffeehouse is the perfect venue to get together and exchange ideas and information. The French Revolution started in a coffeehouse."

Coffee also fuelled commerce and had strong links to the rituals of business that remain to the present day. Lloyds of London and the London Stock Exchange were both originally coffeehouses.


Tea became a daily drink in China around the third century A.D.

Standage says tea played a leading role in the expansion of imperial and industrial might in Great Britain many centuries later. During the 19th century, the East India Company enjoyed a monopoly on tea exports from China.

"Englishmen around the world could drink tea, whether they were a colonial administrator in India or a London businessman," Standage said. "The sun never set on the British Empire—which meant that it was always teatime somewhere."

As the Industrial Revolution of 18th and 19th centuries gained steam, tea provided some of the fuel. Factory workers stayed alert during long, monotonous shifts thanks to welcome tea breaks.

The beverage also had unintended health benefits for rapidly growing urban areas. "When you start packing people together in cities it's helpful to have a water-purification technology like tea," which was brewed with boiling water, Standage explained.


In 1886 pharmacist John Stith Pemberton sold about nine Coca-Colas a day.

Today his soft drink is one of world's most valuable brands—sold in more countries than the United Nations has members.

"It may be the second most widely understood phrase in the world after 'OK,'" Standage said.

The drink has become a symbol of the United States—love it or hate it. Standage notes that East Germans quickly reached for Cokes when the Berlin Wall fell, while Thai Muslims poured it out into the streets to show disdain for the U.S. in the days leading up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

"Coca-Cola encapsulates what happened in the 20th century: the rise of consumer capitalism and the emergence of America as a superpower," Standage said. "It's globalization in a bottle."

While Coke may not always produce a smile, a survey by the Economist magazine (Standage's employer), suggests that the soft drink's presence is a great indicator of happy citizens. When countries were polled for happiness, as defined by a United Nations index, high scores correlated with sales of Coca-Cola.

"It's not because [Coke] makes people happy, but because [its] sales happen in the dynamic free-market economies that tend to produce happy people," Standage said.


Your DNA Is a Song: Scientists Use Music to Code Proteins

What are proteins? How are they structured? What's the difference between a protein in a human and the same protein in a lizard? Ask Mary Anne Clark these questions and she is likely to respond with an earful of music.

Clark is a biologist at Texas Wesleyan University in Fort Worth, and she's part of a growing field of science educators who use so-called protein music to help illustrate the basic structure of the building blocks of life.

All living things are made up of proteins. Each protein is a string of amino acids. There are 20 different amino acids, and each protein can consist of dozens to thousands of them.

Scientists write down these amino acid sequences as series of text letters. Clark and her colleagues assign musical notes to the different values of the amino acids in each sequence. The result is music in the form of "protein songs."

By listening to the songs, scientists and students alike can hear the structure of a protein. And when the songs of the same protein from different species are played together, their similarities and differences are apparent to the ear.

"It's an illustration transferred into a medium people will find more accessible than just [text] sequences," Clark said. "If you look at protein sequences, if you just read those as they are written down, recorded in a database, it's hard to get a sense for the pattern."

When people look at a page full of text corresponding to protein sequences, Clark explained, they tend spot clusters of letters but fail to see the larger pattern.

"If you play [the protein song for that sequence] you get that sense of the pattern much more strongly," she said. "That's my feeling at least. You hear stuff you can't see."

Different Songs

One song for a protein may sound different than another for the same protein, depending on how notes are assigned to amino acids' various properties. For example, Clark tends to arrange her compositions based on the protein's solubility.

"Where it's soluble and insoluble is one of the big factors in determining how [the protein] folds up," she said. Solubility influences how proteins fold, and those folds determine what category a certain protein belongs to.

In 1996 Ross King, a computer scientist at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, wrote a program called Protein Music. It assigns a note to each of the three compounds that make up amino acids and a note to various amino acid properties—charge, solubility, and so on.

"This produces a chord for each amino acid," King wrote in an e-mail interview. "Because proteins are an interesting mixture of novel and repetitive elements, like music, the translation to music sounds interesting."

By changing the rules of how notes are assigned to amino acids, composers can create variations in their songs. However, since all proteins have a basic structure, all the protein songs have a basic structure as well, Clark said.

Teaching Tool

According to King, while some scientists have used protein music to help them analyze data, it is most useful as a teaching tool.

If people can understand how the music is produced, he said, they can understand how DNA codes proteins.

Clark said one of the more interesting things demonstrated by the music is the differences and similarities between the same protein of different species.

While some proteins change very little between species, others, such as beta globin, are quite variable.

Therefore, Clark said, by playing the beta globin song for a human and tuatara, an ancient three-eyed lizard, people can hear the process of evolution—a variation on a theme that was present before mammals split from reptiles some 200 million years ago.

"You can hear the parts that remain constant and the parts that change," she said.



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